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To celebrate Jesus's Birthday.

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Q: Why do people buy gifts on Christmas?
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Do french people buy gifts for people on Christmas?

In France, just like in America, if you are catholic then you do. 

Where do people buy Christmas toys?

Most retail stores sell Christmas Gifts. Like Wal-Mart.

Why is Christmas so commercialised?

Because it is one of the biggest holidays of the year. People think that Christmas is all about the gifts and its not. Its about Jesuses birth. and so all the stores want people to buy gifts for their kids because people think its all bout the gifts.

Where can you buy Christmas gifts?

When looking for Christmas gifts, one can look in many different places. During the holiday season practically every retail store and supermarket will have a dedicated section for Christmas gifts. Alternatively you can also buy Christmas gifts online, in places such as Amazon.

What are some unique Christmas gifts?

Some unique Christmas gifts are things that you don't normally give people. You can do Groupons and team buy deals that are random and get a good deal off of it.

What do the people of Russia do on Christmas?

people of Russia went to markets and buy decorative things. they decorate there houses.parents of children give them gifts,they bring cakes and celebrate christmas

What percentage of men buy Christmas gifts on Christmas Eve?

thirty percent

Why would anybody get loans for Christmas?

Lots of people get loans for Christmas, because they want to buy gifts for people. These gifts tend to be on the expensive side, and they want to be the good person, so they get loans that they'll have to pay off the following year.

What are the best Christmas gifts to buy?

The best Christmas gifts to buy depend on the person, age, and your budget. I would suggest jewelery for girls and clothing for guys.Ans)I prefer the all time favorite gifts - flowers and chocolates.

How do the Duggars celebrate Easter and Christmas?

The Duggars don't buy Christmas gifts from the store they go and buy gifts from a thrift shop or second hand store or they make the item by hand themselves.

Do people in Australia wrap gifts on Christmas?


Do all French people exchange gifts on Christmas day?

Not all of them, but a fair percentage. That takes place in a family setting so you don't buy gifts for everyone, only for the people who are there, or at least are closely related to you.