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Q: Why do people Butter your nose for your birthday?
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Why do people butter your nose 2 days after birthday?

Because they have extremely weird customs. I have NEVER heard of this practice. Perhaps you should ask the people who are doing it (though their answer will probably be along the lines of "I dunno, my family's always done that").

When is butter's birthday?

His birthday is September 11th, he says this in the AWESOM-O episode

What illegal drug smells like burnt peanut butter?

put peanut butter in your nose then every drug will.

Does chocolate smell bad?

well, if there's no cocoa butter in it then it will taste just NASTY

Why does your friend put butter on her cats nose after it pukes?

Cats often throw up hair balls and putting butter on their nose is suppose to help with the hair balls. By putting it on the nose the cat licks it off. A better solution is a hairball cream made just for that purpose.

How do you eat with your nose?

Perhaps a feeding tube could be put down the nose and fluids can be given that way.

Why do lady bugs smell like peanut butter?

they don't you may want to get your nose looked at

What kind of cake did the sextuplets have on their birthday?

They had chocolate cake with peanut butter frosting

What is in Indianapolis Colts' mascots nose?

They are like the whistles you give at birthday parties

Who invented spray butter and when?

i think they came out with spray butter because some people are to lazy to take out a knife and cut butter from the butter Holder some people think the spray is better than real butter (i don't)

Can peanut butter people eat toothbrushes?

Yes, peanut butter people can eat toothbrushes.

Are you allergic to peanut butter if your nose tingles when you have it?

Well i am not a doctor, but allergic patient my self. My nose usually tingles when i had something i am allergic too. or when there are dust mites in the air or clothing.. You should see a doctor if you have headache, rash or running nose.