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Because the way the baby is growing it puts more pressure on your body so it can stretch and make more room the futher along you are the more pain you will be in=( sorry hun but trust me it is worth it when you get to hold your baby in your arms=) good luck

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Q: Why do my ribs hurt in pregnancy?
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Do your ribs supposed to hurt if you are a week or two pregnant?

No, this is not related to the pregnancy. In the beginning of a pregnancy you can feel aches and pains everywhere, like you are getting the flu but pain in the ribs is not typical.

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What does it mean when different ribs hurt at different times at night like my ribs hurt really really bad but not all the time just sometimes and its not just the same rib its always different ribs?

There's something wrong with more than one of your ribs.

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The broken hull exposed the shattered ribs of the grounded ship, lying askew in the shoals. My ribs hurt!

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They should not hurt at all unless you have damaged them some way.

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Can your tubes hurt when your due to start your period or can that be a sign of pregnancy?

No they do not hurt at all, and it can not be a sign of pregnancy.

What if your back ribs hurt when you jump or run?

This happened to me once and it was a torn muscle that was affecting my ribs. The cause of it was trampoline jumping.

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What does it mean if your ribs only hurt sometimes?

i don't know but my ribs hurt soooooo bad i hooope i get an answer too well if your ribs hurt when you run then that's what it felt like for my knees...then you have to go to orthopedics...that's where you do excercizes to help out your ribs or knees or anything that hurts. i did it and now the pain in my knees is gone, but when you stop orthropedics then you have to continue on with the excercized...and if it hurts really bad then you might'be pulled something by your ribs. and if it hurts through your ribs down to your hip then you probably definitely pulled a muscle, but anyways i think you should really go to a doctor.

When ben 10 transforms does it hurt?

it hurts because for example his ribs open

What part of Brian'sbody hurt the most after the plane crashed into the lake?

Brian's head and ribs hurt the most after the plane crashed into the lake.