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So you got something to look at when you're talking to them. Hi-yo

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Q: Why do men love big breasts?
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Why do men love breasts?

not all men love breasts.some like them big and some dont care.

Do men like to bounce breasts?

Love it

Do men like big breasts?


If men had breasts would they be classified as gay or bisexual for enjoying women's breasts?

Breasts don't make a woman. Some women are flat chested. The men who love them aren't gay. Also, if men had breasts, they would be men's breasts. So a man attracted to men's breasts would be gay.

Why are breasts big?

because men like to screw them

Why are there breasts?

The female breasts exist to give milk to their babies. Since many men prefer women with big breasts, instead of small ones, many women try to increase the size of their breasts (within reason) to appeal to men. Most men do not like breasts that are too big.

What do men think of sagging breasts?

It all depends on the man. Some men love big breasted woman, while other's like smaller breast women.

When a man press a women breasts then it grows?

I love girls boobs too much. I want to kiss them and rub these boobs. No boobs didn't grows

Why did your boyfriend put his hands on your breasts then make out with you?

Men love boobs!

Do men love womens breasts rather than their feelings?


What should you do if you love breasts and you have a problem saying yes to a woman who has small breasts?

look at there personality and if they have big boobs then great

Y does my boyfriend like when i am without bra?

Because men are horny and they love breasts.