because a man never knows what to do so he only cares about the looks unless you know him and he cares for you so much then he wouldnt do that does that answer your question
To make u jealous
Both men and women are generally physically attracted to each other and with most men it is often lust first (sexual.) Some men want to think they are still attractive to other women and are not confident in themselves and having an affair often gives them a boost of ego or makes older men feel young again.
Men's view of love (mistaken as love, but it's lust) Women's view of love (unrequited because men really lust)
Sometimes. In some states of the U.S.A., men can marry other men and vice versa for women. In all of Canada, homosexuals can get married too.
Feeling them out to see if they can get them into the cot.
At least 20% of men prefer larger women according to the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
No. Moreover, he can deny in court. I suspect most men marry out of lust.
men kidnapping young women, getting them addicted to drugs and turning them into prostitutes then selling them to other men in different counties
Narcissists could care less if they are married. No matter what they SAY.
No. Gay men fall in love with women all the time, but lust is not part of the equation.
because they like women with experience in bed... and married women have that...