Some men are self-conscious (just like some women) and they may want to feel attractive, so they try to seek out another (usually younger and more beautiful) woman's attention to make themselves more confident, just like girls like that sort of attention from guys to feel pretty. Others are bored with their marraige, and for others its just a habit or they don't realise they're doing it.
why men cheat,go back to wives,and still continue to flirt and stare at the one they cheated with
You see a large his back pocket.
either you get over it or you get your butt over there and flirt with him!!! Works every time!!! I'm a HE, and its not so easy to just 'get over there and flirt' as it is for women it may seem hard but there are plenty of women out there, and if it was truly ment to be it will happen, just leave it up to fate (:
if a girl knows you like her, chances are she will flirt back. if she doesnt flirt back...move on, she isn't interested!
if they broke up with you, move on. If you broke up with them and they flirt with you, flirt with them back
well... marry him! hihi. ;p
women got the same education as men and were offered college known as finishing shcool where they would learn to be wives and get a husband from a near by boys college a women goal back then was to be married
flirt with them to see if they flirt back or back away
If the woman does not consent (i.e. say "yes" out loud) or flirt back, then yes, it is sexual harassment.
Be a flirt right back! You never know, he might just like you!
Yeah because boys can do the same thing that men do to police:D
They were expected to give up their jobs.