It's because men have a leaner body mass then woman (they have more muscle than fat). The more muscle you have, the faster your metabolism is. The average woman is 20~30% body fat (20 being the low point) while the average man is usually around 10~20%.
No, tennis would burn more calories over the course of an hour.
You have to burn more calories than you consume.
When you don't get enough calories or you burn more calories than you take in, you become tired and fatigued. Another Answer: When you burn more calories than you consume, you will lose weight.
You burn more calories playing on the computer than watching TV. Both burn very few calories, though.
Having sex could burn up to more than 500 calories.
Eat less calories, and burn more calories than you've eaten exercising. The only way to lose weight is if you burn more calories than you consume.
There are about 3,500 calories in a pound. Burn 3,500 calories more than you take in = loose one pound. Take in 3,500 more calories than you burn = gain a pound.
no more than 500 calories
The amount of calories your body needs. Say if you were a A six foot person, your body requires more Calories for basal metabolism than a five foot person and this results to metabolism and the same thing with weight. The larger you are, the more Calories required to move your body through space. Men burn more Calories than women so it would be more common for women to have it.
Calories are only a measure of how much energy you can get from a nutrient or a food source. The more calories you get, the more energy you can burn. However if you burn less calories of what you ingest, you get stored fat. Calories are how we measure energy from foods for our body. When we get more calories than we burn, we store the extra in fat cells. This is how we gain weight. When we eat less calories than we burn, we use the extra calories tored in fat cells. This is how we lose weight.
Because the move more!