It's an old fashion custom carried into modern age to show their good intentions. It shows they are interested or, if they buy you flowers after you have been dating for some time it's to show they love and appreciate you. Consider yourself lucky!
Men bring other women to their home most likely to have sex or visiting.
Men buy more flowers on Valentines.
Men because flowers and jewelry are expensive.
Shahs of Sunset - 2012 Only Guilty Men Bring Flowers 3-1 was released on: USA: 5 November 2013
Women: Flowers and Chocolates for . Men: Gadgets or Drinks with a Flower bouquet would be a thoughtful option. Flowers are not just for Women. Men deserve to smell, adore, and enjoy them too.
More traditionally, yes. Nowadays both men and women wear flowers in their head at Midsummer
Woman may want chocolates, cards, flowers, or for men to propose to them?
They were treated with equal rights as men.
Men purchase vastly more valentines than women do.
Men go to work and earn money women do the household tasks sons bring education to the family and the daughter does the same
The Greeks made perfume by boiling flowers and herbs. It is worn by both men and women.
The Greeks made perfume by boiling flowers and herbs. It is worn by both men and women.