Because their mothers fussed over them when they were young. It worked then, it will work now
Yes some men like babies, some even make a career out of their love for babies and children becoming creche workers, kindergarten teachers etc. However not all men feel the same way, just like some women, some men do not like babies. Its a personal choice :)
How sick are you! Or do you just want a child but not a female to share a bed with? If so, why don't you adopt someone!
just act normal
yeah. men are babies.
No, men's bodies are not made for having babies.
no its just you
They are closely related.
It may seem like some men can only produce girl babies. The fact is, selection of gender is completely random and coincidental.
Because men are like babies and they have to be treated like their the only one in your life. Its all about them and their families, not about you and yours.
If you mean why, women are more naturally inclined to date an older male because of his maturity and they want a partner to support them. they feel like they can't date younger men because they act like 2 and 4 year olds they feel like they can't date younger men because they act like 2 and 4 year olds they feel like they can't date younger men because they act like 2 and 4 year olds they feel like they can't date younger men because they act like 2 and 4 year olds they feel like they can't date younger men because they act like 2 and 4 year olds
Because men don't have to nurse babies. Women do. the milk comes from them!
no, men dont have babies