first of all cant you just say wife anyway the reason is because they dont want the wife (mistress) falling in love with another man
A married man who expects his mistress to just be friends is either unintelligent or has a high opinion of himself. Married men who cheat and have a mistress on the side generally use that mistress for a sexual relationship only, but some mistresses believe that the man truly loves her over his wife. The man should stop cheating and consider other people's feelings other than his own.
ANSWER: A mistress is a woman who has relationship with a married man. She is what the married man's wife is not She is a woman who does not have kids so the married man will get all the attention. She is a woman who's always available for her married man because his wife is very busy taking care of everything at his home. A mistress is a woman that gets only a few hours from the married man. She is a woman who can only have a weekend if possible. A mistress is the person that can not spend any holiday with her married man, unless the married man divorce his wife and he marry the mistress. A mistress is the person that can give the needs of the married man because his wife can't or won't. Over all a mistress is a woman that the married man's wife is not.
"Mistress" is the term for the girlfriend of a married man.
A mistress is a woman who is single, divorced, or sometimes still married. She gets involved with another married man.
Married men who cheat on their wives and have a mistress generally use the mistress for a sexual relationship; feeling the freedom he is not married to her and can either go back to his wife when he is bored with the mistress or, if he is caught cheating by his wife or he decides to divorce his wife then he would want him freedom and the statistics of a married man divorcing and marrying his mistress is very low; generally he just wants to do as he pleases and doesn't care if he hurts women along the way.
sometimes ANSWER: yes they do. In scale of 1-10, 8% of married men do fall in love with the other woman. and include the man I married, big time..
I would call him a cheater and a lowlife, among other things.
I never heard a married man talk about his wife to his mitress. I think the reason why he end up having an affair is for him not to think, talk, or even look at his wife. The only way that married man will talk about his wife to his mistress is when he want her to feel sorry for him or maybe to make sure that his mistress will think that his wife is not a good wife and then some.
Yes, in that married man just feel about his mistress. I guess that feeling his mistress' simply reality
* She would be called a 'Mistress' among some not so nice names by those that disagree with the relationship. When women have affairs with married men the percentage is high that she isn't honest with herself and knows a married man is safe and she doesn't have to commit to him (same can apply to the married man.) If the mistress is truly in love with the married man she'd better not count on him to leave his wife and come rushing to her. Generally the relationship between mistress and a married man doesn't work out. If the wife finds out the man will either go back to his wife (if she will have him) or want his freedom and wouldn't want to commit to another relationship so quickly.
If the guy you are seeing has a wife or girlfriend, and you are 'the other woman'.B: If you are involve with a married man right now you are the mistress. A mistress is a woman who is single or married that's having a relationship with a married man.The relationship of a mistress to this married man are only:1- part time2- you can't call him at home3- he can't stay with you at night4- he can't be with you during holiday or special day5- he can't take you out publicly because of his friends or family might seeyou together.This are facts and more of how a mistress is treated. If you are on this pathget out or else your life will not improve and you will stay hidden from everyone because of this married man.
When a married man tells his mistress he has never kissed anyone as long or as much as her is lying through his teeth. Married men when single had at least one or more girlfriends and then they chose the girl they married so passions were high at the time. Married men tell mistresses what they want to hear because it is all about sex. The statistics for a mistress having a married man get a divorce and marry her is extremely low so he is basically using her for his own selfish needs and the mistress ends up losing her self respect.