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The leaves of a cannabis plant should not curl up. I had the same problem with some of my plants before. You should feel the leaves and check if they're dry, that could be a factor, Make sure you water them enough and don't have a too high temperature in your growing area.

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15y ago

because it is dieing out,

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Q: Why do marijuana leaves curl up and dry out?
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When was Curl-up created?

Curl-up was created in 1951.

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How does my hair curl?

Well if you want to know 'HOW' it curls, your hair is prob just naturaly curly! Like when you take a shower, and your hair is wet, as it starts to dry, it will curl up! and if you want to know how to curl it, i use my straightener and curl my hair around it, let it sit, then let go, or just get a curler and use that :D

What is curl up?

a curl up is when you do an exersize to sit up and then back down up.... and down.

What is the curl up?

a curl up is when you do an exersize to sit up and then back down up.... and down.