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why do people want to be thin? i am 13 years old and 250 pounds.... and i love it!!!! i want to be 300 pounds by the time i am 14. it is great to be fat, and you dont have to worry about how many calories you are eating or if you are eating to much or any of that boring stuff. you can just eat all the good stuff like chocolate and chips and no one even says anything cus you are already fat! i eat 10 chocolate bars, 2 big packs of chips, 5 chocolate milkshakes, 2 bowls of ice cream, 3 burgers, 5 pizzas and lots of bicsuits and soda every day, and people just think "she already fat anyway" and the other day i went into a candy shop and bought loads of candy and the woman at the till looked anorexic and was all like " you dont need all that, you fat pig." and it felt amazing! i then said to her " no, but i like being fat cud it means i dont get classed with the anorexic cows like you!" and then i walked out"

p.s. sorry to anyone that is anorexic, not trying to be mean, i know it is kinda like a disease, i had it for a year when i was 9, that is why my parents dont mnd me being fat, they think it is better im too fat than to skinny

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Q: Why do i want to get fatter?
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If you eat burger for one week you will get fatter, if You want to get fatter you can eat burger but I am not sure if it is good for your health I like burger and I want to get a little bit fat

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The comparative form of fat is fatter.

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There is nothing fatter than that ape. Albert is fatter than Jon.

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Fattest is the superlative of fatter.

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Yes you should. Why? Because if you just lounge around all day and all night, you'll just get fatter and fatter. So even if you DON'T want to lose weight, still walk my friends.

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You get fatter and fatter everytime you breathe.

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you get fatter and fatter

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I am 17 years old and weigh 36 stone 514 lbs I have put on 22 stone in my first year of college You may say I am too fat but I would like to put on more weight. Any tips of how I could get fatter?

I DONT understand why you want to get fatter if your like that at your age but i can give you a tip if you want to get fatter eat fast food 24/7, and put on alot of oil in your food!

How do you grow fatter?

You grow fatter by eating the foods which are high in fat. Also, if you don't eat a balanced diet you can grow fatter

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She reluctantly admitted that she had been feeling fatter since indulging in holiday treats.