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It's called a Mullerian defect, a group of quite common conditions. A woman with a Mullerian defect can have duplication of parts of the reproductive system, or can have a simple or complete "skin wall" (septum) in the uterus or vagina.

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Q: Why do i have two uteruses?
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Can a woman be pregnant with two babies of different ages?

Its been recorded that a woman did indeed get pregnant while she was already pregnant, but I think it was due to the fact that she had two uteruses.

How many uteruses does a woman have?

A woman has one uterus.

What is the plural of the word 'uterus?

Uteruses is the plural of uterus

What is the plural for uterus?

plural forms are uteri or uteruses.

Can a women have two vaginas?

Its is strange but true, a rare condition where a child is born with two vagina's or uterus. 27 year old Australian, Hazel Jones, was born with double vaginas, cervixes and uteruses.

Can a transgender woman get herself pregnant?

No. Transgender women do not have ovaries or uteruses.

Do trans women menstruate?

No, transwomen do not have uteruses or ovaries. Transwomen cannot menstruate or bear children.

How many uteruses do cats have?

Cats, like all placental mammals, only have one uterus.

What happens if you have two uterus?

Having two uteruses is a rare condition known as uterus didelphys. It can increase the risk of infertility, miscarriage, and preterm birth. In some cases, it may require special medical monitoring during pregnancy.

Do female kangaroos have two vaginas?

Female kangaroos have two vaginas and two uteruses. They also have a third canal that is used solely for birth.Female kangaroos have what are called paired lateral vaginae. These are for the purpose of transporting the sperm to the womb, but there is a midline pseudovaginal canal for actually giving birth. As well as two vaginas and two uteruses, female kangaroos have two fallopian tubes and two cervixes. This is a feature of all marsupials, not just kangaroos. Wombats, koalas, possums and opossums, Tasmanian devils, quolls, wallabies - the females all have two sets of reproductive structures.Like most marsupials, male kangaroos, with the exception of the largest species, the Red, Eastern Grey and Western Grey, have a two-pronged penis to accommodate the females' two vaginas.

Why do rabbits have double uteruses?

Because if they didn't, predators would eat them to extinction.

How do you fall pregnant with an inverted uterus?

Having an inverted uterus should not affect your ability to get pregnant. However, if you have fertility concerns or difficulties conceiving, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider who can provide personalized advice and treatment options.