the type of shelter humans need to survive is clinen water,food,closing,and a roof over there herds
protection from humans
Humans need shelter to survive. It's part of homeostasis.
Humans need shelter to survive. It's part of homeostasis.
Spiders need shelter as well as humans do. That just happens to be in your house.
Well the things that humans do need are water/food safety shelter that's all what we really need.
They really do not need to take shelter from much except humans. For this they just dive deep into the water.
I think animals are just as important as humans because they need the things as we need. Shelter, food, water, and some to love.
Absolutely! Both need food, water, shelter and love.
Food, water, shelter and oxygen. It is debated when it comes to clothing and the needs of humans
Animals like humans they also need shelter. A place for comfort and security.