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To get an orgasm.

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8mo ago

Some men engage in pelvic thrusting during sex as a way to increase physical pleasure and arousal. It can also be a natural instinctual response to the stimulation they're experiencing. Ultimately, it's a physical expression of excitement and enjoyment during sexual activity.

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Q: Why do guys hump during sex?
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Do dogs hump you when your about to start your period?

There is no scientific evidence to suggest that dogs can predict when a person is about to start their period. Dogs may display humping behavior for various reasons, such as excitement, dominance, or boredom, but it is not necessarily linked to a person's menstrual cycle.

Why do dogs hump the air?

Dogs may hump the air due to overexcitement, frustration, or as a way to relieve stress or anxiety. It can also be a form of play behavior or a natural instinct related to mating behaviors. If the behavior is excessive or concerning, it's best to consult with a veterinarian or a professional dog behaviorist for guidance.

Why do guys have to be on top during sex?

Being on top is a common and traditional position during sex, but it is not a requirement. It can be a preference for some individuals due to the level of control, intimacy, and pleasure it can provide. However, there are many other positions that can be equally enjoyable and satisfying for both partners. Communication and exploration with your partner can help find what works best for both of you.

Why do guys hump girls?

OK well these are reasons why guys hump girls...they want to have sexthey probably want to have kidsbecause they want to do itbecause they are probably in the mood andbecause they are married orthey have a really good relationship...

Why do some bulls have a hump?

The hump on some bulls, known as a "nuchal hump," is made of muscle and fat that helps provide energy storage during times of low food availability. It is a natural anatomical feature that varies among different breeds of cattle and is not present in all bulls.

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What is involved in movement during sex?

hump it....HUMP IT. thrust it. thrust that chode! dig. grrr.

What do guys like girls to do to them during sex?

To go down n please him

Do guys get pleasure when the girl is on there period during sex?

It hurts....thy will probably get slapped

Can guys go inside each other during gay sex?

Yes, either by oral or anal sex. (in the mouth, or the anus)

Is there math in singing?

You have to count the beats almost like sex count your humps 1 hump 2 hump hahhahahhaha

Does a panda bear have a new mate each time?

no it does not. because it likes the sex the first one gives hump hump

Do girls hump guys or do guys hump girls?

Not when you put it so bluntly.Girls like romance. I thought that was obvious.

What is the right age to hump?

the right age to hump or ( have sex ) is when you decide it is the right time i suggest haveing it about 18. hope this helps!

What do guys like from sex?

guys love boobs

Why are guys obssessed with sex?

because they're guys

What does the fat in a camels hump do?

The fat in a camel's hump provides food during periods when food is scarce.

What are some grown up games?

Having sex and letting your boy friend hump you.