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who cares why

i care.every gugy that has talkin to me has gotten the chills.i need to know.its confusing.

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14y ago
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11mo ago

Getting chills when talking to a girl could be a physical reaction to being nervous, excited, or attracted to her. It's a sign that the person is experiencing heightened emotions while interacting with the girl.

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15y ago

The guy likes the girl

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Q: Why do guys get chills when he talks to a girl?
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What attract guys first in girls?

Paying attention to them. If a girl talks with you, smiles at you, touches your arm, guys will be attracted to that girl.

Your friend talks about a girl a lot does that means he likes her?

possibly. I know a lot of guys who talk about the girl he likes constantly

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i think you should talk guys if he talks about girl cause its not cool if your going out with him and he is talking about different girls :)

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depends on what the girl talks to you about. if she talks about her friend all the time, she's probably trying to hook you guys up-the girl probably likes you. if she just talks to you a lot in general about everything though, then she likes you. derr. it's not that hard to figure out.

What does it mean if a girl talks about other guys?

Well it basically just means that they like that guy or they just wanna be bestfriends with them

How do you know if a boy is interested in a girl?

If he teases you the most, stares at you the most, talks to you the most, and talks about you to his guy friends, if he does little or none of these things, don't worry, it varies from guy to guy.

How do you know if a girl interested in you?

you know when a girl is interested in girls by the way she talks and acts. and by the way she treats the guys. if she pushes away the guys is cause shes interested in girls, you might sometimes find them staring at others girls(checking them out)

Is it really that hard for a boy who has been having constant stares with you in class to tell you that he likes you especially that he is a popular football player with lots of guy and gal friends?

Yes because some guys can be as self concious as girls and get nervous when he talks to the girl he likes, just like how a girl gets nervous when she talks to the guy she likes. And guys worry about dates and care about their appearances just as much as the girl does.

What do you do if you like a boy but he doesn't know if he likes you or your best friend?

if he talks more to you then he likes your friend because guys are shy so they do not talk to the girl they like. So if the guy talks more to your friend then he likes you.

Can relationships work when a girl has guy friends that she talks to more than her own partner?

yes because she can use their advice to help her work on her relationship with her boyfriend. also if she talks to guys a lot, she can help relate to her boyfriend.

What is the Statler Brothers song that talks about two guys dating the same girl?

Yes, the Statler Brothers had a song called It's A Small, Small World about two guys dating the same girl.

Does that mean the guy you like like you if he talks about you to his friends and some of them observe you when you're around?

No because they probably just looking to be slick with it. If he liked you anyway he would tell you.if he talks about you with his friends and they are'nt laughing at you, then definetly yes. guys (i should know) always talk about the girl they like.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------actually, many guys don't want to talk about the girl that they like, because that's just too much information for other guys to know