A hoe is a derogatory term used to refer to a promiscuous person, typically a woman. A flirt is someone who playfully shows interest in someone else, often in a lighthearted or teasing way with no serious intentions.
A slut is a derogatory term used to shame someone for their perceived sexual behavior, often implying promiscuity or immorality. A flirt, on the other hand, is someone who enjoys playful or teasing interactions with others, often without serious intentions. The main difference is that a slut is judged negatively for their behavior, while a flirt is not necessarily seen in a negative light.
Some guys may touch girls as a form of affection, to show interest or attraction, or to establish a physical connection. It's important for individuals to communicate their boundaries and consent in any physical interaction.
Guys may pick on girls for a variety of reasons such as seeking attention, trying to impress their friends, or feeling insecure about themselves. It is important to address and challenge this behavior to promote respect and equality among all individuals.
It's supposed to be some "gangster" or "ghetto" thing... My guess is that they do that to display or hint out what they have to the girls, knowing how much they like to flirt. Normal guys don't do this though, unless they're unusually itchy down there...
girls flirt to get a guys attention
guys will flirt with you when they first meet you and want to get your number or get your attention............or when they want something
AnswerYeah.AnswerNo of course not! You could flirt with an 100 yr. old and no one would care! It is normal to have feelings for older guys and flirt with them, there more mature for one thing! Just be careful they're not to much older than you.
I don't think that you should flirt with guys younger cause I like a guy that is older so that I can trust and love them. It is fine to flirt because flirting is not something that is wrong.
Def. guys.!
You should prove to him that you don't flirt with other guys, like trying not to talk to other guys to much, and make him feel like he is the only one you notice for example talk to him more and flirt with him and try to tell jokes so you laugh with each other.
It's too difficult to answer this question. It sometimes depends on the guy. Some guys flirt with everyone. Some guys flirt only with the girls they like.The nature changes when these guys enter a relationship. They might stop flirting and develop some other characteristics.
because there guys that is why they don't get mad my boyfriend didn't get mad so don't worry about it if he flirts with other girls you flirt with other guys that just the only answer
Guys (of any age) flirt with people they find attractive and want to know if there is mutual interest.
Yes..They Do..Ugly Guys Can Have Fun 2
Because some guys are like this and believe in cheating and that it is ok to flirt and look but not touch
i dont think girls flirt more than guys they just flirt diffrently I agree. Girls flirt in a different way than guys, and they tend to lay it on heavy. They giggle and flip their hair and act all weird to make guys like them, but it doesn't ever do anything except make guys think that they don't want to be themselves around them.