This seems obvious to me, but it is because the experience is intoxicating, makes him dizzy, delirious, almost drunk or high. That is why love is better than drugs or alcohol, which should be avoided.
well it means two guys kissing or two girls kissing......
Kissing can be fun.
Not all guys kissing is gross, just sometimes but its because they are unsure how and slobber a bit. But its not really gross its kind of funny. Girls kissing is okay cause they go for it short and easy instead of trying to make out! It's the way you see it. Not everyone sees it the same way as you ! A gay guy would think guys kissing is OK, but maybe not with girls kissing, whereas a straight guy will think guys kissing is gross, but girls kissing exciting !
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Depends how close you get.
is his kissing other girls or other guys?
It gives a more romantic passion.
Guys in a Hot Tub Talking - 2012 Kissing 101 1-11 was released on: USA: 14 January 2013
i believe so..i have big eyes myself and everyone likes then
No French kissing is,when u use tongue emo kissing is when 2 emo guys kiss but they're not gay they r J's showing compassion to each other but they're wats called homosexual which is when guys like girls and girls like guys. But in I guess emo culture emo kissing is a,way to show u like rht person as a friend.
Yes some guys think that way. People are different, they are some who think differently too.
If your boyfriend is kissing ex girlfriend. That is just wrong!! I believe you should find someone better than him~ There is plenty guys around you.