They don't, it's only for the cameras. Some people roleplay and fake.
Most girls don't have a penis.
The thought that girls like guys with a long penis is generally wrong. To most girls, penis size makes little to no difference. As a guy you can imagine your penis size to be about as important to a girl, as the girl's breast size is to you. Do you actually care whether a girl has a big chest or not? Most guys don't. So why should girls care whether you have a big penis or not?
A big penis!
Yes they do.
you choke on penis
it depends what their personality is if they are perverted yes if their not no
No, underage sexual contact is illegal.
Girls don't think of penises much - only guys think about penises all the time.
sometimes the penis. in some cases most guys are good on bed
Anyone can choke on pencils
guys and girls sometimes feel "desires" for one another, and look for a way to express themselves.AnswerThat would most commonly be known as 'sexual intercourse' which is the way humans reproduce and have babies.