they love them the same,sometimes a bit more LOL) because now they do not have the resposibility of raising them, just to spoil them!
Grandparents may feel less stressed about the day-to-day responsibilities of parenting and can focus more on enjoying their grandchildren. They may also have gained wisdom and maturity over the years, leading to a more relaxed and patient approach with their grandchildren that they may not have had with their own children. Lastly, they may see their grandchildren as a second chance to create special bonds and memories, without the pressures of being the primary caregiver.
People are taller than their grandparents due to improvements in nutrition, healthcare, and living conditions over generations. Better access to food, healthcare, and overall quality of life can contribute to improved growth and development, leading to increased average height among the population.
No, the sentence is not grammatically correct. It should be either "These are your grandfather and grandmother" or "This is your grandfather and grandmother," depending on whether you are referring to both grandparents or one.
Children and adults have different strengths and weaknesses. Children have a unique perspective and creativity, while adults have more knowledge and life experience. Both age groups have valuable qualities that make them important in different ways.
Because adults can understand it better in kids and the is the author chose kids for a reason because it'll help them better and improve in their reading and there Questions and answers.But it depends on if they undersand what they read.
Overall, adults tend to have better memory than children, teenagers, and seniors. Memory functions tend to peak in early adulthood and decline gradually with age. However, cognitive abilities can vary widely among individuals within each age group.
Whether it's right or wrong, it's not possible unless the birth parent's rights have been legally terminated.
* Although the children are not your sons, he has fallen in love with his fiancee who has children and therefore, the parents of the son should treat these children with the respect they would if they were their own grandchildren. Children are simply children and don't understand why an adult may or may not feel they have to treat them as grandchildren or give gifts. In most cases children are simply a delight. Often times adopted children to children from a former marriage treat the adoptive parent or grandparents better than the biological children or grandchildren. Giving from the heart and accepting these children into your life could be the beginning of a wonderful time in your life.
Whether it's right or wrong, it's not possible unless the birth parent's rights have been legally terminated.
Grand parents are capable of spoiling the children , and our less strict with them.
absolutely the children were not treated in any better treatment then adults
Well... sometimes the children were treated horribly, but then as the economy grew it got better.
You file for it in the court of jurisdiction (where the children legally reside). If emergency circumstances apply, you can apply for an emergency petition (called an ex parte order in most jurisdictions). In either case, an ex parte may be granted immediately if justified but a hearing will eventually take place as well as an investigation and whether temporary custody is granted and if so, the period of time allowed, or not will depend on the judge's ruling.
They understand the seriousness of global warming and they want to leave the world a better place for their children and grandchildren.
How can you say such stuff on here? How can you call grand children pain in the ass? How were they raised to say such stuff about you?
Ok but they could be treated better
Symptoms are how YOU feel. They are treated to help you feel better. If you have a headache that is a symptom and you would use something to lessen it like aspirin.Symptoms are how YOU feel. They are treated to help you feel better.
a princess is treated very well but a king/queen is treated better