It's very daring to assume "girls" like showing off their butt. Some do, others don't (I'd think the majority doesn't). If they do, it's probably because they like the attention they get from it.
Some girls show off what they have like butt and boobs but its dumb but alot of boys like it
take your filter off on google and type in girls butt
Seems like they only want the skinny girls to show off.
no because that's a turn off for girls
Of course. Girls do the same thing.
I would have to say like their cheats and abs because their not old enough to show other things
get jeans that show it off best, wear shirts that don't cover it, and strut like you are on the run way.
umm well i guess to show you they hit puberty and to show it off to get girls to like them
Its normal.. it just depends on your genes. i do but dont shave it off!
Don't be shy! Tell her face-to-face! Girls like sweet, sensitive guys. Not show-off players.
Either. Leggings show off your nice butt. Shorts show of your great legs. But, yeah. EITHER ONE SHALL WORK.
Because they are trying to get you to notice them, they may be insecure and think you won't look at them unless they do something to make you like them. It is also a maturity thing, I used to try and show off when I was younger in front of boys but now it is just annoying and childish when girls do that.