For attention. Apparently not getting or did not get the attention needed from home so to make up for it they say preg. Cause it causes shake up of everyone around them.
that's a lie.
I think boys lie more because if you would ask them where they were going, they would say to work and then all you see is that they come home drunk from a club or something :P But girls lie too...they might lie about there BFs or something
I would not say Zac is getting girls pregnant but he did say he wanted a baby with Ashley Tisdeal but the HSM came and Vanessa Hudgens came and he is now dating Vanessa and is wanting to get Vanessa pregnant.
yes it is for boys and girls all you have to do is be a certain age to play it
For the same reasons girls lie to boys. Either they like him/her
no so when people say that African girls do that well its a lie ok HOPE
No. There are many teen girls who live with their dads that get pregnant. Some people say there's a bigger chance but I don't think so.
Girls Lie Too was created on 2004-04-19.
Girls can get pregnant once they've had their period.
most women lie because they are scared they will get hurt not every women wants to be dumped because they are alredy under stress over the baby. some women lie because they can not believe that they are pregnant, some women lie to themselves sayin that they are not pregnant when they realy are. thank you for taking your time to read my answer to your question hope it sorts things out My answer is based on experience, so listen up closely. Women often lie about being pregnant, because; they are scared to lose the guy if they are not married, and if they are dating. IT ruins the relationship if it is not a planned event, or the woman simply does not tell the truth for the reason causing the relationship to take a drastic unexpected commitment.
miley is not pregnant it is all a lie dont belive people that spreec roumers around
Yes,girls get sensitive when they get pregnant.