Girls may have small breasts but they are still girl breasts.
He likes curvy women
Honey, they'll get bigger in time trust me!
Female breasts are composed of fat tissue and glandular tissue. Before pregnancy, the glandular portion is dormant and comprise a small percentage of the breasts' size. Therefore, non-pregnant girls' breasts are mainly composed of fat.
everyone is different,.. but girls usually get breasts in middle school
Girls develop breasts so when they have a baby, they are able to breastfeed. During pregnancy the breasts get larger and fill with milk to feed the baby. Those are the main reasons girls develop breasts.
There is no reason for you to want bigger breasts
Not all girls have big breasts. Well girls bodys difer then boys do. its just like extra skin....
You wear empire waisted dresses because the guys will then be noticing the curves.
depends how old you are and if you are in puberty usually girls 11 or 12 and up start growing boobs
Because men don't have breasts.
if your far and have small breasts it means that not much fat I'd getting into your breasts