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Girls get them early depending on the mother. If the mother had hers at, let's say, 9, the girl is more likely to get hers early as well.

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Q: Why do girls get their periods early?
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It has happened. They would have to have started their periods, but some girls do start that early.

When-do girls get there period?

Girls can start their periods from an early 9 but some do not until they are 16 but most girls start around 12, 13. However its not abnormal to start early or too late. They will shed blood around about each month. Hope I helped

When do girls get there period?

Girls can start their periods from an early 9 but some do not until they are 16 but most girls start around 12, 13. However its not abnormal to start early or too late. They will shed blood around about each month. Hope I helped

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Girls all have their periods at different times it just depends of the girl.

How girls got periods?

Girls have had periods since well, ever! A period is when blood is realised out of a girls vagina. That's it basically

Do lesbian girls get periods?

Periods have nothing to do with sexual orientation. Lesbians are just as capable of menstruating as straight girls.

Do all girls start there periods?

Yes all girls start there periods between the ages of 9-16

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Why do girls wear kotex?

Girls use kotex during their periods.

When do girls usually get their periods?

Most girls will start their periods between the ages of 11 and 14. It can start earlier or later than that though.

What age do most girls get their periods?

MOST girls are around 11-14 they can start as early as 10 and as late as 16.but if it any earlier than 8or nine and any later than 16or17 they should see a doctor