They still care about you, just not at a girlfriend/boyfriend level. They would maybe rather have you as a friend, or simply just don't want to not be your friend.
It's quite a compliment to you that your girlfriends don't want to lose you as a friend: many relationships break up leaving neither party willing to remain friends, so you're pretty lucky. Friendships are worth a lot more in the long run than short-term romantic relationships. There'll be many times you'll need a friend, maybe just someone to spend time with when you don't feel like being alone, so even if you're understandably upset about the breakup, try to accept the continuing friendship on offer.
You'll be glad you did.
You think you can never change a guys mind and that they don't hurt after break ups and they just want to be friends? You must be new here.
I think it's because he doesn't want to be like other guy celebrities who always talk about girls and how much they love them and that they want them. I personally like how Nickleback never really talks about girls, he talks about the world and his friends. Kind of like Michael Jackson.
ask him who he likes better and then let him choose
You can always find out if your friends know any of the girls you may want to talk to and if they do see if you all can hang out as a group. You can always make new friends through current ones. Or you can "accidentally" bump into them. Maybe that will be a chance to strike a conversation.
Girls like to hang with boys because boys are great. I have more guy friends than girl friends. My best friend and me always play football with them. We also gossip about other girls. Boys are the best! Who needs a boyfriend when you have guy friends. I love them to death and couldn't live without them!
Us guys need space cause you girls always have to be around us even though we want to be with our friends.
Girls always want boobs cause guys think they are hot and it draws attention to themselves.
Yes, but in real life, they're not going out. There you go girls, you can chase him as much as you want.
because she wants to spend time with her girls we girls have never let a man in our group and if you need to talk about something we don't need men to not understand girls are always there and they help you when you are emotional
Men are not friends with girls. They are just friendly with girls that they want to sleep with, or girls that they have already slept with. Your boyfriend knows this because he is a man. That is why he doesn't like it when you talk to your "guy friends."
Just say that you only want to be friends and that there are other girls out there. Just say that you only want to be friends and that there are other girls out there.
She probably doesn't like you if she just wants to be friends