To make sure the bottom doesn't fall down while swimming/jumping!
Tug of war it the game that you try to always move backwards in but its not that easy when you try
It's "Tug-of-war". You can also use "Tug o' war."
tug = tugging
Tug meaning to pull
Girls wearing gym shoes will have better traction on the smooth floor compared to boys wearing only socks. This will allow the girls to have a stronger grip on the floor, providing more stability and resistance during the tug of war. Boys in socks will likely slip and struggle to gain traction, making it harder for them to participate effectively in the tug of war.
Tug McGraw is 6'.
Eastport Tug o' War Boley tug of war from Ireland was in the longest pull.
They're tugging (pulling); like in a tug a war contest.
He would tug on his collar when he was nervous. A sharp tug on the rope meant that he should continue to climb. A tug was used to steer the tanker to the pier. (tugboat)
Tug Wilson was born in 1860.
Tug of Peace was created in 1983.
Tug Records was created in 1988.