Because boys are sooks and they always want things there way, also there lazy and have nothing to do but only argue
8 and Under Girls 8 and Under Boys 9-10 Girls 9-10 Boys 11-12 Girls 11-12 Boys 13-14 Girls 13-14 Boys 15 and Over Girls 15 and Over Boys
There are over 4,000 boys and girls club throughout the world.
Girls will get over boys they like by understanding that they can do better. This may mean that the girl will fall for another boy
Well, you should always take your best friends side over your ex boyfriends, or any boy. Boys hurt girls and best friends are more henest then boys. (:
But not always true you know. A lot of girls and boys do still think about their past about there ex.
The two boys began to heatedly argue over who knocked over their mother's lamp.
Girls are very emotional individuals while boys are not very emotional sor of speak.
They can and do if they prefer same sex over boys
Because they were born that way, get over it dude! Girls rule boys drool!
because girls care more about life
Lots, over 6 billion...