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gay people talk in all different ways, just like straight people do.

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10mo ago

There is no specific way that gay people talk. Speech patterns are influenced by a variety of factors, including geography, culture, and individual personality. It's important to avoid making assumptions about someone's sexual orientation based on how they speak.

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How do gay people talk?

they talk gay Most of them just like anybody else.

Why do people say Leornado Da Vinci is gay?

Because he was gay. People don´t wnt to talk about it, but he was gay, like shakespeare and Michelangelo.

Should i talk to gay people?

you should talk to anyone you want. i am gay and answering your question so in a way you are talking to a gay person. no different then talking to a straight guy

You are not gay but people think you are what do you do?

Who cares. If it's interfering with a crush, then talk to him privately to clear the matter up. It's not like lesbian is an insult. If people are threatening you because they think you're gay, then talk to them privately too.

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If you a are a guy, talk to him. If you are a girl, move on.

Should gay people force people who are not gay to like gay people?

Gay people have their own interests and should not force them on others.

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if straight people look gay, its because some women like men that act like that, if they are gay and look gay, then they are gay...

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if he knows you are gay then try to be good friends with him and see how it will go on from there if you think he is gay try talking to him and get him to talk about him to you and see if he is gay

What are gay people like?

Gay guys are really usually very sweet, kind, caring etc. They often talk like girls and show interest in girly things. They usually also have a lot of friends that are girls.

Why do gay people like saunas?

Not all gay people do. It just depends on the person.

What were gay people?

well, gay people are still around so your question should be- what ARE gay people, and gay people are people who like people of the same gender.

Is it gay if you dont like people hitting you?

no it isn't gay if you don't like people to hit you