because its there religious ike us americans its our way of celbrating and its there way also like chinese new years for example
No one HAS to celebrate Christmas. Most French do.
French Christians celebrate Christmas. French Jews celebrate Hanukkah.
The French celebrate Christmas during Winter. For Christmas they have the Christmas Eve Feast. The French enjoy their Christmas every year. Everybody look forward to Christmas.
Yes, but they celebrate differently than Americans do.
The people in Paris are French and celebrate French holidays, not US holidays. There are some holidays, like Christmas, that are common to both countries, although the common means of celebrating them may differ. Some Americans who are in Paris at the time of an American holiday like Independence Day, may celebrate that day with other Americans or with some of their French friends.
Yes but they call it Noel
Christmas and Halloween
Because they were/are Christians.
On the 25th of December.
Frace has an amount of Christians in its borders,so it sounds to reason France would celebrate Christmas
there are none