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why do fats contain more calories then carbohydrates

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Q: Why do fats have more calories than carbohydrates?
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What contains more energy than carbohydrares?

Fats contains more energy than carbohydrates. As can be found on many food nutrition labels, carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, Proteins also have 4 calories per gram but fats have 9 calories per gram.

What contains most energy protein lipids or carbohydrates?

Fats (lipids) contain the most energy per gram compared to proteins and carbohydrates. While proteins and carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, fats provide 9 calories per gram. So, gram for gram, fats contain more than twice the energy of proteins and carbohydrates.

Are wine calories worse than food calories?

Calories are Calories. The dietary Calorie is spelled with a capital "C" indicating that it is, in fact a kilo-calorie. With food you get vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein and fats. With wine, you get alcohol and carbohydrates.

How much more energy does fat supply than carbohydrates?

Fats actually contain a lot more energy than carbohydrates. The reason carbohydrates are used for energy before fats is because carbohydrates are easier to break down; reactions involving carbohydrates generally have a lower activation energy. This means that less energy is used to release the energy in the bonds of the carbohydrates than fats. In other words, although fats contain more energy, it is more efficient for the body to break down carbohydrates than fats. Once carbohydrate supplies diminish, fat stores can be broken down to use for energy, but doing so is not the body's favorite thing to do.

Does Metabolism of fats produce more ATP molecules per gram than metabolism of carbohydrates or proteins?

When it comes to carbohydrates or fats producing more ATP, fats tend to produce more ATP per gram. Fats contain about 33 percent more ATP than carbs.

Compare the energy values of a carbohydrate molecule versus a fat molecule?

Carbohydrates provide 4 calories per gram, while fats provide 9 calories per gram. This means that fats contain more than double the energy content of carbohydrates, making them a more efficient source of energy for the body.

Explain that Oxidation of fats in living cells release more energy per gram than the oxidation of carbohydrates?

Fats are more reduced than carbohydrates, therefore there is more oxidation that occurs in the breakdown of fats, and hence, more energy is produced.

What element is there more in fat than in carbohydrates?


Are carbohydrates structurally more complex than fats and proteins?

yes they are

What percentage of calories do you need from fats?

no more than 30%

Do fats contain large amounts of energy per gram?

Fats provide a form of store energy. Fats can provide more than half the energy that the body needs and twice as much as than carbohydrates

Are carbohydrates fattening?

The are if you eat more calories that than you burn off.