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Because their legs are so fat that their legs rub together when they walk, and most of the time the fat ends at around the knees. That's why they waddle too...the fat lards.

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Q: Why do fat people walk with their knees together?
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Does TV make you fat?

no people think it does Yes it does siting on your but is getting you fat when you watch tv do strecths or walk in place

Do penguin have knees?

Penguins do not have knees, that is why they waddle.And that is how they look t=like they have no legs just a long thing atached to there body.! xx actually don't listen to mr. genuis who wrote that i can tell you yes they do have them they have fat and feathers that reach over the knee making them unseeable and not only that but they wobble because litterly they are not supposed to be able to walk there to fat and small and there legs are likemabye if there lucky a 1ft loong lets see if you don't wobble lol anyway y do u think polarbears will sit 4 hours on end to catch one.and that's the truth

Why was transport made?

so that the fat people didn't need to walk and not to waste energy (thats why!)

How many people are fat in the US?

Too much that you can't even count them all? You look around on the streets, and 3/4 people who walk by are FAT!

Can obese people walk?

People who are overweight often find it harder to walk for longer amounts of time. They get tired quicker and often break into a sweat earlier on.

Is there any exercise to help lose fat around the knees?

Fat loss cannot be isolated. The human body is one unit, it is not divided in compartments. There is no magic exercise to make you lose fat around your knees. But any aerobic exercise will help, plus proper nutrition.

How can you survive earthquakes?

well migets can walk under a door or fat people ur just dead !

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What is the weakest part of an cow?

The answer is actually the knees. the belly is protected by fat, the knees are the weakest. if you find yourself on its head, hit the jaw, its the second weakest.

Is fat bad for you if you go on a walk?

any kind of fat can clog your arteries even if you do walk. It's still going to be there. But you're weight wise, it would help to walk.

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