From my account it is working. I think you should give a try again after 2-3 days. Hope it will work.
Yes because on the D.S.i you can go on facebook
By texting them using their cellphone. They can also use a program like Textfree or Yahoo Messenger to send messages to people on Facebook while not on Facebook.
how can i find deleted messages on facebook
'Send messages' in French is 'envoyer des messages'.
There are two tabs for messages. Click on your normal tab and then look just behind it for 'other'. Normally this is where people can send you messages who aren't in your friends list or those who you haven't contacted can leave a message. You can choose to view and accept any messages or not.
No, your other friends on Facebook will not be able to see your messages that you send to a single friend. Private messages are just that - private.
Go To The Browser And Go to messages
Yes because on the D.S.i you can go on facebook
You can go into your settings and choose who can send you messages.
No. It never will and never has. So send all those messages
Your mum has your password, that is the only way she is able to see the messages that you send and receive on Facebook. Consider changing your password.
Guys & Gals now you can send Audio Messages to Friends,family and your favorite Actor on Facebook and Twitter via Social Talkies - Send messages now
Facebook automatically generates email and send you many messages. Especially if you never open them, your email system might assuem they are coming from a source that did not have your permission to send you email. You can allow the Facebook messages into your inbox by chaning the settings of your email account.
Try MailChimp.
you have to do =) is smiley =( frown, etc
You Can''s so sad, isn't it?
Click compose a new message.