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Because Birth Control regulate your period.

In a pack there are either only 21 pills (with hormones)

or 28 pills.... 21 with hormones and 7 placebos ( the placebos are only used to keep the user taking pills every day. Rather than possibly forgetting to start the hormones in 7 days)

Because a pills taken each day this lets you know exactly when your period will occur. *Between 21 and 27 days*

Pills can also decrease a heavy flow, sometimes stopping it ll together.

Some doctors are now prescribing 3 months worth a 7 day break after 3 months, This results in 4 periods pr calendar year.

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Q: Why do doctors prescribe birth control pills for an irregular period?
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What causes your period to delay?

frequent stress can delay your period, or your could have an irregular period birth control can help with this. most doctors recommend the pill for cases like this.

What is a period pill?

I think what you're referring to is the birth control pill. Doctors sometimes prescribe the birth control pill to women who have irregular periods in order to help get their periods regular. There is no specific pill out there strictly for periods, unless you are thinking of Midol which is used to combat PMS symptoms like cramps.

Can the femiane birth control pills stop my period?

No. In fact, doctors prescribe this pill to regularize menstrual periods. However, the effect is different depending on your case.

What does it mean when you have your period for two weeks?

That's an irregular period. Birth control can be recommended to help regulate your period.

Should your period be regular after 6 months off birth control?

After stopping birth control, your period is likely to return to its previous pattern. If you were irregular prior to starting the pill, you're likely to be irregular after you stop.

What causes you to be late for your period?

Your period might be irregular and messed up or your body is changing and getting use to it. My period use to be messed up i would have it for 3 months and then not have it all for a month, or i get a week later then what i am suppose to do. so ur period is most likely irregular..But if you are having sex then its possible you are pregnant, but if not having sex then go to the doctors about your period. I got put on birth control to regulate my period and because i was sexually active

Why haven't i got my period for a while but im still a Vergon?

It's normal to have irregular cycles if you are in your teens or pre-teens.It takes time for your body to mature to a point where it can ovulate regularly to then menstruate regularly, also while developing your hormones will be irregular so in turn will affect your menstrual cycles. If you go over three months without a period check in with your doctor to run tests to find out why - make sure your doctor doesn't prescribe anything without first running tests, and be careful about what is prescribed as some doctors unethical prescribe hormonal birth control to cover-up this issue instead of treating it or allowing you to make an informed choice about use.

When are you suposed to get your period while on the birth control pill?

It can make your period very irregular. You may not get one at all!

How is the rhythm method if you have been irregular period?

Forget it! It's NOT an effective form of birth control!

Is is normal to miss your period a month after stopping birth control?

Your first period after stopping birth control pills will normally arrive in 4-6 weeks. If your periods were irregular before you went on the pill, they're likely to return quickly to their previous irregular pattern.

Why don't you have a regular period?

If it is your first year having your period, your periods will be irregular. But if it not then you should see a doctor and talk about possible getting on birth control. It helps regulate your period.

What can stop an irregular period?

The only way to stop an irregular period is to start taking birth control. Usually, you will become very regular when taking the pill and some people stop having periods all together when they go on the shot.