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Because it was the birth of the Messiah. Jesus was to be born as a baby and grow up. He had to live a perfect life and then be crucified on a cross to take away our punishment so we can go to Heaven.

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Q: Why do christians celebrate the birth of Jesus?
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What do Christians celebrate on Christmas?

The Birth of Jesus/Christ.

Whose birth is the real reason why you celebrate Christmas?

The birth of Jesus is the real reason Christians celebrate Christmas. Christians believe Jesus is the Messiah, so they celebrate his birth. It is not the reason everyone celebrates Christmas, though.

When do Christians celebrate Christmas and why?

They celebrate it on the 25th of December. Christmas is to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ :)

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Jesus' birth is celebrated by Christians on Christmas day.

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Christmas is celebrated by Christians in recognition of the birth of Jesus.

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Jesus Christ's followers were ridiculed and called 'Christians'. Christians celebrate Christmas because it is the chosen day of the birth of Jesus (when in actual fact he was born in the summer).

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No one said you have to celebrate Christmas. Christians do it because Christmas celebrate's Jesus's birth.

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December 25th is Christmas (a holiday for Christians). Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, a savior come to free us from our sins. (If you want the full story- look in your Bible for Luke) Christians celebrate this by giving gifts to others- rejoicing for the birth of Jesus.

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Christmas is the time Christians celebrate Jesus' birth.Easter is the time Christians celebrate Jesus' death.

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Christmas (December 25th), is the date that Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus, so basically there would not be a Christmas without Jesus' birth, hence why he is a symbol for the Holiday.

What is the religious significance of Christmas?

Christmas is a Christian holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ, who is believed to be the Son of God by Christians. It is a time to celebrate his birth and the promise of salvation that his coming represents. Many Christians also see Christmas as a time to share love, joy, and peace with others, reflecting the message of Jesus' teachings.

What groups of people celebrate Christmas?

Christians, not jewish they celebrate hanukah, and people in the united states celebrate christmas, everybody celebrate christmas of the birth of Jesus Christ.