boys like girls because inless the boy is gay the boy is attracted to female parts and to have *** mabey b,v,a parts
you dumb @#$ no it isn't its weather or not someone loves that person ur not gay
Well, that is the way it is meant to be. From the beginning of time guys were meant to like girls and girls weren't meant to like guys. Our world today has warped relationships and love and now there is this idea that the same sex marrige or even being interested in the same sex is ok.
Yes, if they want to.
Usually girls would bring there cell phone some lip gloss they would dress in nice/sexy clothes and they would want to stay there longer and longer
i dont think it is hot but really funny maybe in a way it could be hot but really- just don't. that is sick and disgusting. guys were meant dress as guys and girls girls.
They can wear what they like once they are paying for their own clothes. There are no laws that prohibit this.
Because when mothers want a baby girl and got a baby boy she will dress them like a girl.
Yes they can it is their choice however they should expect on to receive a warm welcome by all, but clothes are clothes and wear what you want
the Probabilty is not big but one out of six girls want to be boys!
The most time boys want girls is in bed
If you want girls eat a bazillion watermelons when actively pregnant (in maternity clothes/pregnant). If you want boys eat apples.
Well, I would have to say that the mom must have wanted a girl. Or that family is poor and the clothes are hand me downs. Or it could even be that the boy may want to dress up as a girl. I saw an episode of Dr. Phil once and this little boy said he likes dressing up in dresses, so Dr. Phil said that the "girl" and "boy" concept of clothes has just been americanized so we think that dresses are for girls and boxers are for boys or pink is for girls and blue is for boys.
Girls rarely "make" boys wear dresses. Boys who are completely opposed to wearing dresses don't wind up in one. Many boys secretly (or not-so-secretly) want to see what it's like to wear a pretty dress and makeup, and make a show of reluctantly (or not-so-reluctantly) being talked into wearing one. Some of us come right out and ask a girl to dress us up. And some of us just ask the girls to come dress shopping with us and buy our own!
Boys with fit bodies and fashionable clothes. Hit the gym, buy some jeans and be confident and you'll get all the girls you want.