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Boys stare at you because either they think your hot or they are saying to themselves what the hell is wrong with that chick? sorry, it's the truth :)


Yup! That pretty much says it all. Other than they might be fazing out. Many a guy has started at the back of my head while fazing out. usually it is because they think your hot, I mean, what weirdo would stare at someone they think has mental issues! :)

~Hedgie Girl

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4y ago

To be honest, why boys stare at you.

I have this boy at school, he looks at me but I don't understand why he's looking at me, I thought he's looking at me cause I did something weird or out of the ordinary, till one day my friend caught him looking at me, and said that he PROBABLY likes me.

They look at you cause they like you, or want to get to know you more by looking at YOU!

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