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boy usually made fun of girls boobs because they look big under or t-shirts and that boys make fun of everything you cant let it get to you once they mature they will understand that we girls need boobs

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

It's cause he likes you ;)

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Q: Why do boys make fun of breasts?
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Why do boys make fun of girls they have a crush on?

they make fun of them to show how funny they are or they the girls

Do boys like breasts?

Sometimes some boys are in live with breasts others find them disgusting.

Why do you get breasts?

Girls develop breasts due to the hormones in their body. Usually, breasts are developed at the age of 10-13 They have different hormones to boys, which is why boys dont have breasts.

How can you improve your looks to boys?

Breasts and a smack in there faces if they even look to make such an accessment. Somehow, boys might like both.

What is a fun website for boys?

A fun website for boys would be how to make money or maybe a website about video game reviews, guides etc.

What size breasts do teenage boys love?

The size of breasts teenage boys love is any as long as you have some

Do emo boys cazry?

Boys are crazy cause they make fun of the girls and that hard us

I am German and boys are making fun of my accent but back in Germany boys liked my face and body why do they make fun of me now?

because you are different than them and they are scared. Boys are stupid, ignore them.

Can boys get breasts?

On babs only

Why do girls laugh and make fun of boys?

because girls are stupid

How can you grow big breasts?

We can grow big breasts by doing sex with other boys because they suck our breasts.

Does a guy like big breasts?

That is generally true that you may get the attention of most of the boys, if you have bigger breasts. But then, you are getting the attention of the boys as a sex objects. You are not a sex object. You should get the attention of the boys as a person. Big breasts are not necessary for the same.