During puberty, boys experience a significant increase in the size of their larynx (voice box) and vocal cords due to hormonal changes, which causes their voice to deepen. This results in a lower pitch compared to girls who do not experience the same level of vocal cord growth during puberty.
Girls have higher pitched voices than boys because during puberty a boys vocal cords grow more than girls andÊthicken up which causes their voice to change and become deeper.
Girls voices change a bit as they go through puberty - if for no other reason than that they get bieer and have a bigger throat and larynx. the change is not nearly as much as happens for boys though.
When a girls Adam's apple is larger than many other girls, her voice will be deeper but it is really is normal that some will have one a little bigger than some others.
answerno boys are not better than girls because girls are smarter than the boys(noooooo!!!!)
Cuz guys can be stupid. Not girls. Guys can cheat in girls. Which makes them stupid
It's because they wanna sound sexy inf front of girls...in dat right ladies!! lol! NEWay! also because the hormones in men change there voices and make them deeper as they age.The higher levels of testosterone in men than in women is a factor in having a deeper voice.
Boys are much smarter than girls
their are more girls than boys
Girls are better than boys because they developoed faster than the boys did
sometimes,because girls can concentrate than boys and sometimes boys can concentrate than girls.. yes girls could conentrate more than boys because can get discracted is easily
Really, there are about 105-107 boys born for every 100 girls.
boys are better than girls because when they become adults girls usually cook and boys work