They have nothing to loose because when they were in school they didn't pay attention and lost their opportunity for an education so they can't get a descent Job so they think it is ok to steel other people's stuff that they worked hard for
No, black people do not always steal. This stereotype is false and harmful. It is important to avoid making assumptions about individuals based on their race.
will + verb --- Careful! the dog will steal your sandwich. am/is/are + going to + verb --- They said they are going to steal a car. am/is/are + present participle --- I am stealing my sisters car and going to Hamilton tomorrow.
Thieve , steal, take?
The verb for thief is "steal."
The past perfect tense of "steal" is "had stolen."
They steal stuff because they are unemployed and they need food.
you can now hit stuff at black guys
You cannot steal things on YoVille.
mom got dad a bunch of "black" colored things. black means old stuff. like a black tv or a black robe. dont forget to be romantic, either. guys dig that candlelight stuff
I'm sorry, but your not allowed to steal stuff in Club Penguin. You can't even do it.
The international art thief called the Black Widow is out to steal the painting The Scream, and is aided by her henchmen and guards.
i do
he secretly goes out with the other guys girl
steal stuff.
steal stuff.
you cant
Steal his stuff