i was told it was self defense when i touch my baby mommas belly.
oh yes it can!! And it´s the most uncomfortable feeling.
after its out your stomach it can kick you in the face.
They don't. Babies grow in the womb, not the stomach.
Because the stomach contains Hydrochloric Acid which is very strong. If babies were born in the stomach they would instantly die...
You can differentiate between a baby kicking and a guinea pig breathing by observing the location and frequency of the movements. Babies tend to kick more sporadically and with larger movements, while guinea pigs have a consistent and rhythmic breathing pattern. Additionally, you can place your hand gently on your stomach to feel the kicks if you are pregnant.
No. They do not.
in the stomach/uterus
The dolphins kiss and the babies form into their stomach.
Babies don't live in your stomach unless you eat them.
Babies kick because they can't walk yet, but they need to exercise their leg muscles.