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They did not, toy guns are still created. They just don't look as realistic as they use to.

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Q: Why did they stop making the toy gun?
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Related questions

Where can someone find out how to make a toy machine gun?

The internet offers many forums and site specialized in How To Make tutorials such as the making of a toy machine gun. There is also video-sharing websites that people upload on their tutorials with voice comment which can be really helpful in the making process.

When was Toy Gun Films created?

Toy Gun Films was created in 2009.

What was lonnie Johnson struggles?

Lonnie Johnson was the creator of the very popular kids toy, the super soaker, a very powerful water gun. This gun had many setbacks before finally hitting the market and making toy history.

How can you stop the making of guns?

You can't. A crude gun can be made from a piece of pipe.

What is the worlds cheapest gun?

a toy gun :D

How do toy guns make kids violent?

Toy guns make kids violent because they are putting them in a position where they think its OK and then they start to play with them in a way that can be a danger to others i am answering this question because my eldest son found a gun in my friends closet and they started to play with it and he shot my youngest son by accident pleas stop making toy guns for these kids think about their poor little souls and how you felt and how they feel don't buy toy guns!

Can you bring a toy gun to a plane?


What movie does a cop receive a toy gun and badge for Christmas?

That's Lethal weapon, Riggs gives Murtaugh a toy gun for his birthday

Why Is LEGO making Toy Story?

They are making LEGO Toy Story to encourage people to see Toy Story 3

Where can I buy a toy gun that looks real and is the same size as a real gun?

Nowhere. Having any toy that looks like a real gun is asking for trouble with law enforcement. This is why toy guns are made bright colors or different sizes.

Name a good gift for a kid wants to be a cowboy?

Cowboy Hat Cowboy boots Rope Toy Horse Toy Gun Guitar

Can you ship a toy gun overseas?
