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They didn't have enough people to work for them on their land.

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Q: Why did the the demand for slave labor develop in the Americas?
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What was a result of the increased demand for slave labor in the Americas and Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?

don't worry about it

African kingdoms that provided slave labor the the americas?

Answer t African kingdoms that provided slave labor to the Americas: his question…

African kingdoms that provided slave labor to the Americas?

Some of the African kingdoms that provided slave labor to the Americas include the Kingdom of Dahomey, the Kingdom of Kongo, and the Ashanti Empire. These kingdoms participated in the transatlantic slave trade by capturing and selling individuals to European slavers for transportation to the Americas.

How did scarcity of labor in the Americas encourage the Atlantic slave trade?

The scarcity of labor in the Americas, particularly in industries like agriculture and mining, led to the increased demand for slaves to work on plantations and in other labor-intensive activities. This demand fueled the growth of the Atlantic slave trade as European powers and colonists sought to fulfill their need for labor by forcibly bringing enslaved Africans to the Americas.

What is the forced removal of Africans from their homelands to serve as slave labor in the Americas?

The slave trade

Suggested that Africans be brought to the Americas for slave labor.?

The Dutch.

Who suggested that Africans be brought to the Americas for slave labor.?

Portuguese explorers first initiated the transatlantic slave trade in the 15th century, seeking labor for their colonies in the Americas. Subsequently, other European powers including Spain, England, France, and the Netherlands also participated in the slave trade, capturing Africans and forcibly transporting them to work in the colonies.

Reasons caused the rapid increase of slave labor after 1680?

Possibly the dependency of slave labor for cotton production that was in high demand. It was cheep and demand was high.

Which African kingdom provided slave labor to the Americas?

grew in power

What crop was essential for slave labor in the Americas?

cotton and sugar cane

Was slave labor declined in the Americas as a result of the age exploration?

No, slave labor increased in the Americas as a result of the Age of Exploration. European powers relied on enslaved labor to exploit the resources of the New World, leading to the transatlantic slave trade and the establishment of plantation economies.

Why was there a high demand for slave labor Carolinas?

growing rice required much labor,so the demand for slaves increased.