

Why did the slave trade exist?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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11y ago

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One reason (the most important reason) why the slave trade existed is money. Merchants sold things that the slaves made, so they could put tax on the stuff to make more of a profit. They wouldn't care how the slaves were living and how they were treated, they just wanted to make an easy profit. Also, slave buyers saved money. They could buy slaves cheap and not have to pay them a salary at all. This was cheap/free labour. They didn't have to spend money on their slaves' quarters either, there were no laws about the conditions that slaves lived in. As well as that, there was lots more trade between countries, not only with slaves, but with the products they made (as demonstrated with the trade triangle earlier on in the booklet). For example, America traded cotton and tobacco with Europe, and Europe traded tools and weapons with Africa. This trading also improved the relationships between the countries.

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