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To see what was on the other side.

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Q: Why did the moron climb the glass wall?
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Can spiders climb glass in minecraft?

Yes. They can climb up everything except ladders or a lip extending off of a wall.

What is a sentence using the word improbable?

Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.Looking at the height of the wall, it was improbable that he would be able to climb over it.

Do praying mantis climb glass?

I have my praying mantis in a glass tank and it is still able to climb on the glass walls( but make sure the enclosure has airholes)

Can roly poly bugs climb walls?

Pill bugs can climb rough surfaces like your arm, but have no hope of climbing vertical plastic or glass walls. They sometimes try to climb upsidedown but they usually fall off.

Can roaches climb glass?

Yes, cockroaches can climb walls. Some species can even climb glass.

How did the East Germans climb over the Berlin Wall?

they would climb over the wall be being helped by other people.

When was The Glass Wall created?

The Glass Wall was created in 1953-04.

Can you climb a wall with plungers?


Why is your bearded dragon wanting to go after the wall he will stick his face against the side of the cage towards the wall?

It could very well be that that is your lizards way of asking you to take him out of his tank, i have a mesh tank and whenever my beardie is in a mood to be handled and is sociable he will climb up to the top of the tank where it opens. If you have a glass tank he cant very well climb it. also, your beardie may possibly be getting to warm and wants the cool of the glass to comfort him. the cool glass may also soothe his scales if he is shedding.

How do you Rock Climb in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

After you get the HM Rock Climb, and a Pokemon knows it, you can approach a rocky wall, press A, and you will scale the wall.

How do ninjas climb wall like gecko?

they climb walls with suckchin cups or plungers

How do you climb a wall?

use climbing tools