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the proviso would upset the balance of power between the north and the south

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They denounced it because the Proviso would upset the balance of power between the north and the south.

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Q: Why did southerners denounce the wilmot proviso?
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How did southerners react to the wilmot proviso?

Southerners opposed the Wilmot Proviso. This is because the Wilmot Proviso established peace with Mexico, and the land that Mexico owned was in the South.

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Why were southerners were opposed to the Wilmot Proviso?

The proviso would limit the spread of slavery- NoVaNeT :]

Why were the southerners opposed to the Wilmot Proviso?

The proviso would limit the spread of slavery- NoVaNeT :]

Why were southerners politicians opposed to the wilmot proviso?

The proviso would limit the spread of slavery- NoVaNeT :]

What is a proposed law that prohibited slavery in any lands won from Mexico?

wilmot proviso

Why did southerners denounced the wilmot?

the proviso would upset the balance of power between the north and the south

What was the unstated goal of the Wilmot Proviso?

What was the unstated goal of the Wilmot Proviso?

How did the southerners manage to kill his proviso?

Southerners managed to defeat the Wilmot Proviso by using their political power to block its passage in Congress. They successfully argued that the Proviso was unconstitutional and threatened to secede from the Union if it was enacted, leading to a compromise to preserve the Union.

What best is the best description of the wilmot proviso?

Wilmot's Proviso brought the future of slavery to everyone.

What called for a ban on slavery in any territory that the United States acquired from the war with Mexico?

The Wilmot Proviso qualifies as such. It however, was one of the leading causes of the American Civil War (1861-1865)