Vietnam was America's last drafting of young men for the military. And we still had "authorized" ways of buying one's self out of that. If a fellow stayed in college, carried 18 units and a 2.0 average, he recieved a "college deferment." If one was too poor to go or didn't go to college, then obviously he could't recieve a "college deferment", and the army would be sending him a letter.
He granted amnesty to Americans who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War
draft dodgers are also called what
Jefferson showed the first draft to Benjamin Franklin and John Adams. He wrote the first draft in only 2 days.
Thomas Jefferson wrote Almost the entire first draft.
There was no draft during the American Revolution. Rather, colonies relied on their respective militia for volunteer support.
It had an unfair impact on poorer citizens.
It had an unfair impact on poorer citizens.
College students could avoid the draft - Apex
They ignored draft notices and became conscientious objectors.
They ignored draft notices and became conscientious objectors.
The draft.
The draft. Clues (hints): Look up "draft card burning", "draft riots", and "fleeing to Canada."
The draft.
The draft.
The draft.
Draft riots.