Slavery continued after the revolution for many reasons. Many of the owners did not want to give up their slaves. While some slaves didn't know anything else and continued to work for their owner.
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The life we live today began with the industrial revolution and on that foundation we continue to build and change the world with our computer systems and information revolution. Things don't happen in a vacuum and without the inventions of the industrial revolution we wouldn't have our world.
The American revolution WAS an cataclysmic revolution.
led revolution of 1800?
against revolution
The Continuing Revolution was created in 1968.
Abraham Lincoln
If you listen to the news, It hasn't yet..
to stop slavory
If you listen to the news, It hasn't yet..
Kansas-Nebraska Act
he ended slavory in the united states, 1st to get assinated
most slaves were captured from other countries.
he probably didnt because he was against slavory
Harriet tuman need to be free of slavory
slavory was the reason that the underground railroad was formed