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When the native population declined, slaves were brought to America do perform work that Europeans wouldn't do. Africans were considered desirable for this purpose because they were easily distinguished from Europeans, were not Christians, and had no national government to protect them.

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Q: Why did slaves go to America and what for?
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Related questions

Did the slaves voluntarily go to America?

Not at all. They were forced to become slaves and work for the whites.

What countries did slaves mostly go to?

went to America

Where did most of the slaves from Africa go?

on a boat to America

What language do Liberians speak in Liberia?

They speak English. Liberians mainly descended from America slaves who wanted to go back to Africa. America slaves spoke English.

Were there slaves in ancient America?

Yes there were slaves in ancient america.

Why was NY the busiest seaport in America?

It was a major center where the slaves from Africa would go in order to come to America.

What did the slaves do when they came to America?

because they were forced to America to work as slaves

When and where the first slaves sold in America?

when and where were the first slaves sold in america

Who were the slaves of America?

Slaves from Africa.

Where did slaves go when they reached America?

Plantations and manors, pretty much anywhere that needed workers

What year did slaves go to America?

They really didn't "go" they were taken! From the late 1500's to the middle 1800's

Does America have slaves?
