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the growing fear of active slave resistance

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Coby Schumm

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1y ago
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the growing fear of active slave resistance

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Alex Vonderharr

Lvl 2
3y ago

The growing fear of active slave resistance- APEX

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Q: Why did slaves codes become more strict over time?
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Why did codes become more strict over time?

The growing fear of active slave resistance- APEX

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Why did slave codes become more stricter over time?

Answer this questi Why did slave codes become more stricter over time? on…

What was slave codes?

Slave codes were laws enacted in the Southern United States that governed the behavior and treatment of enslaved individuals. These codes restricted the rights of slaves, denied them basic freedoms, and enabled slave owners to maintain control over their labor force. Violation of slave codes often resulted in severe punishment or harsh consequences for slaves.

Why did slavery colonies become more strict over time?

The growing fear of active slave resistance

How does the US growth after the Mexican War intensify the question of slavery in the US?

It made slavery more relevant rather then irrelevant. Also conditions for slaves got more strict then before.

How did rationalism differ from puritanism?

Rationalism emphasized reason and logic as the primary sources of knowledge and truth, while puritanism was a religious movement that advocated for a strict and disciplined life based on the principles of Calvinism. Rationalism focused on critical thinking and skepticism, while puritanism focused on moral purity and religious devotion.

Is stricter or more strict correct?

more strict

How did the Great Awakening affect slaves?

It led church members to become more active in government.

When did the bankruptcy laws change and become more strict?

They change regularly...and likely will again soon. In 2005 there was a major revision.

What was true about the slave codes?

They become more rigid as fear of slave resistance grew.-Apex

Was Cleopatra strict?

You could call her strict, but she was no more strict then any other ruler of eqypt