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Because southerners needed slaves to work in the fields and to do other labor that they didn't want to pay people for. In the North there were slaves, but because of the Norths more business dominated setting slaves were doing jobs like maids, nanny s,and other less harsh work.

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Q: Why did slavery not develop in the North in the same way as it did in the South?
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How was slavery in the north the same as slavery in the south?


Why was there slavery in the north?

There was slavery in the north for the same reason there was slavery in the south, that is to work at labourous jobs.

How was slavery in the north and south alike?

they slavery wanted choices that was not the same

Why was slavery not the same everywhere in the world?

slavery was not the same everywhere in the world because they had different parts like the north and south. The north was treated better then the south

How did the north and south view slavery?

The north was against slavery, and the south favored it.

One reason why the north and the south were the same?

slavery was not critical to the sucess of the economy in the north

How was slavery in the North the same as an different from slavery in the South?

In both the north and the south slaves worked hard and were owned. In the south slaves mostly worked on plantations; in the north many slaves worked in businesses and were able to work for money in their spare time.

Was the North the Abolitionist in the civil war?

Well. Not all of the North were Abolostionists, Same in the South, not all of us supproted Slavery.

What was the same and the difference in slavery in the north and the south?

The north became industrialized and depended on paid workers while the south needed slave labor for their very large plantations.

How did North and South enlisted their armies during the Civil War?

by slavery. they did the same for ww1, ww2, and Vietnam. its called the draft.

Was Louisiana's reactions protective tariffs the same as that in other parts of the South?

yes, because all the south wanted slavery and the north didnt. -sydney

Was Louisiana's reaction to the protective tariffs the same as the other parts of the south?

yes, because all the south wanted slavery and the north didnt. -sydney